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Light Strand Tool, Houdini VEX, 2021
I created a procedural light strand model that has controls for the strand radius, overall length, curl frequency, number of strands, wire thickness, strand amplitude, and number of bulbs. The bulb was modeled in Maya, the noise is controlled in a VOP, and the strand radius, length, curl frequency, and number of strands are generated from an attribute wrangle.
Inelastic + Elastic Collisions Particle System Modeling Newton's Law of Gravitation, VEX, 2021
Adding on to the Entagma tutorial demonstrating elastic collisions, I decided to use matrix math to additionally determine what a repulsive force in space could look like pushing objects apart at a given speed based on their randomized mass and distance from the designated center point of gravitational pull.
Stacker Tool, Python/PySide2 in Maya, 2020
I created a GUI that allows the artist to select from a group of objects and randomly pick one from each group to place in a stack and create a specified number of stacks. I also created the functionality of loading in point position data from XML files and applied them to the scene.
Style Transfer with Deep Learning, Python/Google CoLab, 2020
The first image is the output of the program. The second image is the content image, and the third is the style image (Van Gogh painting). The model looks at the content image and the style image and changes the content image applying some of the details from the style image creating the final output.
The model had to run over a large dataset (7500 images) to learn how to make the changes and these images created one of the more appealing outputs.
This piece was chosen to be shown in Vizagogo 27 as part of digital flatwork.
This project was the result of a semester-long endeavor of an AI Art club formed in my Generative Art class with myself and one grad student (with the advisement of two professors). It was an explorative space to learn from the Generative Deep Learning book.
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