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Trailer shot list:
Responsible for the technical animation of each character in the following shots.
0:25 Wide shot of Moana and a small girl in the cave with the canoe in the back
I directed the draping of Moana's hair onto her back to favor the screen right side while covering her back and torso.
0:30 Young girl running hand across the canoe
I added more bounce and motion to the young girl's bangs and directed the shapes on her clothing to maintain appealing poses.
0:54 Moana closeup gentle wind breeze on hair
I helped to establish the wind parameters (for this sequence in the film) for the gentle breeze on Moana's hair. Consideration went into defining the overall speed, height, and breakup along the edges as well as separating the timing of the screen left and screen right hair masses.
1:19 Maui and background character covered with objects
I refined Maui's hair to keep it behind his shoulders and less active, since the focus is on the background character. The background character also required complex hand-cloth grab interactions to wrap their costume material around them. Maui additionally required specific treatment of his necklace accessory to work with the 2D animation.
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